12 years ago, I decided to start Breathesafe Canada, as I realized that many of the workplace injuries I attended, were the result of people being exposed to various airborne contaminants. Some more serious than others, however, had these people been properly fit tested, they would have not been exposed at all.
Since then, I have been providing a Mobile Respirator Fit Testing Service, where I find that coming to your site is far more convenient, and cost efficient for you. My unit is a decommissioned Ambulance, which is completely self contained. It has been inspected by Worksafe BC, and meets with their standards.
I have been fully trained by both BC Ambulance Service and 3M Canada to meet Worksafe BC Standards. I constantly keep myself updated with any changes in equipment and or safety standards by talking to Worksafe BC regularly, as well as checking their web pages for updates.